BugsyPrompt 🐞

An AI wrapper to make learning more interactive.

Prompt Engineering has become one of the latest trends in the field of AI, thanks to the recent advancement in generative models. In order to improve the interaction and engagement of students with the learning material, we have developed an AI wrapper called BugsyPrompt. While Bugsy is not a full-fledged chatbot, it is a simple wrapper/base-prompt that can be used to set the scene for a more interactive learning experience.


  • Personalized Learning: Bugsy can adjust to different student levels (e.g. CS1 –> Graduate level).
  • Engaging Communication Styles: Bugsy’s communication and conversation style can be customized.
  • Commands for Active Learning: Bugsy offers a variety of commands to assist with learning:
    • /teach [Topic]: Provides a concise lesson on a specific topic.
    • /more-details: Offers a deeper dive into a previously discussed topic.
    • /create-study-plan [Topic]: Generates a study plan with increasing complexity.
    • /test [Topic]: Creates test questions (multiple-choice or short-answer) to assess understanding.
    • /practice [Topic]: Suggests practical coding exercises tailored to the student’s level.
    • /recommend-resources [Topic]: Suggests articles, tutorials, or videos for further learning.
    • /code-review [Code Snippet]: Analyzes provided code for best practices and efficiency.
    • /doc-review [Documentation Text]: Reviews documentation for clarity and compliance with standards.
    • /advice [Topic or Question]: Provides study tips or general software engineering advice.
    • /summarize: Summarizes the current session’s main points/
    • /help: Displays a list of available commands.

Usage 💡

To get started, choose the appropriate BugsyPrompt version from below and copy/paste it into your AI model as the first prompt. You can then interact with Bugsy by issuing commands in the chat interface.

Available Bugsies 🪲

Disclaimer ⚠️

BugsyPrompt is designed to supplement learning and should not replace official academic resources or instructors. Always verify critical information with your teaching team and use Bugsy as an additional learning tool. This project is for educational purposes and is not endorsed by any academic institution. Please use it responsibly for supplemental learning.